I am struggling with an install of 9iAS (E) on NT4 (SP6).
I have the origin db and a Oracle 8.1.7 install on the same machine (That is how I have been instructed to do this!!).
I have installed the origin db OK and (9iAS) but although my configuration tools run (NET8, ect) they will not save any settings. Has anyone else come across this?
HTTP and webcache are both running fine but configuration issues are preventing EJB's from being deployed.
I had some java errors occur right at the very end of the 9iAS install that may or may not be related to this.
Is it possible to have the origin db & install on the same machine as the apps server?
Any comments/pointers gratefully received.
Oracle 8i and 9iAS install
Yes we have Oracle 8i (rel3) and Oracle 9iAS installed on the same host on Win2K. One of the usual errors is overlap of DLLs but that has not caused any issues at our site. Did you find anything unusali in the 9iAs install logs. Also describe your problem in detail for readers to get a better picture of the issues you are currently facing.
Nothing unusual in the logs. The main problem is that the configuration tools ie. network admistration, etc appear to run OK until you try to save any configuration changes, then they just hang. This means I am having to manually edit files (listener.ora, tnsnames etc) and this is making configuration difficult.
I have tried to reinstall some Oracle components but this hasent helped. I believe that some part of the Java installation failed. The automatic configuration tools that run as part of the install also failed.
I am not happy about several other aspects of the install so I am going to wipe the box and start again, as I want to be sure I have a sound installation. Hopefully the errors will not occur again.
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