i have set up my listener at client side and tnsnames.ora at client side. I am using oracle 8.1.5. Clients are installed on the client machines. When i try to connect on the server with the same instructions in tnsnames.ora as in client side, it connects. But from the client's machine, it refuses...
Please Advice...
It's easy as long as you are on the RIGHT Track of MIND...
Try to ping the host. Listener is set up on the server and not the client.
listener files are in $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin.
sorry, i have set up the listener on the server side only. I have also tried pinging. Even the TNSPING is working fine and giving me about 1370ms as time with ok. But still when i try to connect it says target or host object does not exist.
Plz Advise...
It's easy as long as you are on the RIGHT Track of MIND...
What ORA error code do you get upon attempt to connect to the server?
What error message do you get?
Can you show us the contents in your TNSNAMES.ORA file?
How do you try to connect?
connect system/manager@
ora-12545 Connect failed because target host or object does not exist
I hope this will help.
It's easy as long as you are on the RIGHT Track of MIND...
you should put values for host and service_name, else it won't work ...
You've not mentioned the connect string.
connect user/pw@db
Similarly for your tnsnames -
This should solve your problem.
th host names and the service names are there. I've even tried with the ip address and the global db_names. But still the same error persists. but the tnsping gives me result still unable to connect.
It's easy as long as you are on the RIGHT Track of MIND...
Make sure that you have started the correct listener.
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