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Thread: Global Names & SID

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Silver Spring, MD, USA
    Hi, All

    I have a basic question regarding Global Names & SID.

    I am about to install Oracle 8.1.7 EE on WIN2K that is on a LAN (two machines), and that will only be accessed through the local machine (ie the machine that it is installed on).

    In the forums I see alot of questions regarding problems with Global Names and SID, and in posting this question, I am hoping to avoid these problems (ORA:12560, ORA:12154).

    Specifically, when installing Oracle, given the operating system environment information provided above, what Global Name & SID should I use when prompted during installation? And, if applicable (to this environment), what is the significance of the difference between dbname.domain.com, dbname.domain, and dbname.world.

    Any insight is much appreciated.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2000



    There is nothing much to worry about global name and db domain and stuff like that, if, if you are going to have a single database.
    Usually, in earlier versions of oracle u need to prefix it .world in your tnsnames.ora, while configuring the service names. But with these new versions you need not.
    I have the same conf. (8.1.6 on Win 2k) and i have given the global name and service name as same - prod.
    Hope this helps.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Silver Spring, MD, USA


    Thanks for the speedy response!

    So, during installation at the prompt, you used Global Name: Prod, and SID: Prod? Exactly as I have written it?

    Thanks again.


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