Hi Oracle Experts.
I am using oracle 7. Are there any readymade scripts to verify/monitor the tablespaces that will run out of space or the extents are less than 5% or 10%.
Hi there,
ok, here are a few thingsto check. There are loads of scripts out there, including some on this site...
Segments that cant allocate next extents....
SELECT a.owner as "Owner",
a.tablespace_name as "Tspace",
a.segment_name as "Segment",
a.next_extent/1024 "Next(k)",
a.pct_increase "%inc"
FROM sys.dba_segments a
WHERE next_extent > (SELECT MAX(b.bytes)
FROM sys.dba_free_space b
WHERE a.tablespace_name = b.tablespace_name)
Segments within 10 of MAXEXTENTS
SELECT substr(owner,1,20) as "Owner",
substr(tablespace_name,1,20) as "Tablespace",
SUBSTR(segment_name, 1, 20) as "Table",
extents "Extents",
max_extents "Max Extents"
FROM sys.dba_segments
WHERE (max_extents - extents) < 10
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