Management have asked me for opinions on a proposed solution they're looking at. We currently runs applications built in VB using 8i.
We are tendering for a new system and the cheapest bid so far is for a confusing XML based application that - get this! - stores the data in flat text files as XML. I presume they mean as text documents/files full of XML tags - like an HTML source code file. (!!!).
As XML is hierarchical in form it can be handled by 8i's object type storage facilities? Correct?
Has anyone used, or know of, a successful application using 8i that stores 'normal' and XML data? Any ideas or opinions?
How can I best scare management away from the idea of storing the data in flat text XML format - and not in a relational database (8i)? It's a very cheap bid and if they get sold on the idea then guess who's going to have to make it work?