How to find out the size of the datafile for a database consist of three tables with following specs:
1 year growth 5 Year growth
Table 1 400,000 record/year, 1 million record/5 year
Table 2 100, 000 record/year, 250, 000 records/5 year
Table 3 45/year, 60/5 year
Table1: Average Record length: 80
Table 2: Average Record length 100
Table3: Average Record length 35
I really need to understand this concept. Also I would like to understand the magic about min. extent, maxextents....
in short storage clause for the tables.
I really need help.
Thanks again!!!!
hi pandyar
It is difficult to measure the exact size of the datafile for the period of time.
We can calculate approx. datafile size by taking average record length multiply by average no.of records plus add 30% additional size for the particular table. Like wise we can proceed for other tables in the tablespace for the datafile.
I've got a "magic" excell sheet that could help you in calculating the approximative size of tables (and indexes).
I could send it tou you if you indicate me your e-mail.
Hi, friends
I'll send the excell sheet and an explanation on how to use it by tomorrow, as I waited for a max. number of people to answer, but I am now in a hurry, (sorry for this!)
Padman, thanks for your useful help in any time, and keep going!
Could I also get a copy of Execl Sheet? my email is youngz99@hotmail.com
Also please add my email adress to your sending list : mostadam_oracle@yahoo.ca
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure
please & thanks
Can you pls send me the excell sheet on my email id rainingday32@hotmail.com
thanks again
Fabien, I am interested in your magic excell spreadsheet too.
Can you please forward me a copy to wujee@yaoo.com.
Hello Fabien,
I am interested in your magic Excell sheet also. Could you send a copy to
Thanks in advance.
hi fabien
i am interested in ur magic sheet do please send it to my mail id:sravu_m@hotmail.com
Thanks in advance
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