Is anyone has any idea what the reason of this error and how to avoid this problem:
Starting "/development/oracle/OraHome1/bin/names"...server not started, errors follow
TNS-12546: TNS: permission denied
TNS-12560: TNS: protocol adapter error
TNS-00516: Permission denied
Linux Error 13: Permission denied
Many thanks.
U dont have the necessary priveleges to start the names server.If u are logging as root or other os user and startting the names server it will give u the error.Try to login as user oracle under which oracle software is installed and then run the command to start the names server.
In case of any help please be free to ask me at rohitsn@altavista.com
Rohit Nirkhe,Oracle DBA,OCP8i
Unfortunatly I connected as oracle (owner of database) and I don't know what to do ...
Originally posted by rohitsn
U dont have the necessary priveleges to start the names server.If u are logging as root or other os user and startting the names server it will give u the error.Try to login as user oracle under which oracle software is installed and then run the command to start the names server.
In case of any help please be free to ask me at rohitsn@altavista.com
Rohit Nirkhe,Oracle DBA,OCP8i
check weather you ahve a password to start the names server
No password for Name Server. :-(
Check the file listener.log.
change its owner to oracle and change the permissions mode to rw to the owner.
Nothing wrong in the listener.log
And oracle is owner.
Originally posted by cblanco_r
Check the file listener.log.
change its owner to oracle and change the permissions mode to rw to the owner.
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