1. Can you explain why a session was killed (alter system kill session',') but reappears with a different serial # but same sid.
2. What's most effecient (recommended) method of removing (forcing) a lock on a table?
Session killed
when you killed one session, Oracle needs unchange all updates and inserts of the session killed, when oracle changes alll things, all objects locked will be free again ...
Sandro Lobo
Oracle DBA
How quickly does oracle are the locks freed?
Hi SSLOBO, 5th May 2001 18:04 hrs chennai
Ok as you say i tried with 2 simultaneous sessions.
In one ready with statement to kill a session.
In another i am trying to insert 50000 records to a table in a simple for loop clause.
After the insert was over i killed the session it got immediately killed and the inserts rolled back.i didnt see any new serial# with the same sid ?
So the right way to put the things is once all the uncommited records are rollbacked if as Leaonard says can anyone explain in detail please. ?
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