I have next problem.
I have table EMP with columns
deptno number(3)
empno number(3)
dhire date
In this table I have for example 1000 rows.
I need to write cursor which will retrieve one row per deptno, if I have many rows with the same deptno than I need the latest one (max(dhire)).

For example if I have

deptno empno dhire
1 11 1.1.2000
1 12 1.2.2000
2 21 2.1.2000
3 31 3.1.2000
3 32 2.1.2000

then I need next rows:

deptno empno dhire
1 12 1.2.2000
2 21 2.1.2000
3 31 3.1.2000

If anyone has idea...

Help in advance