Using only statistics available within the database, this calculation gives the best approximation of response time, in seconds, per transaction during a sample period. This is useful in further diagnosing performance issues by drilling down into individual components like Waits, CPU etc.

ResponseTime = (deltaTotalWait + deltaCpuTime) / deltaCommits + deltaRollbacks)


deltaTotalWait: difference of \'sum of time waited for all wait events in v$system_event\' between sample end and start

deltaCpuTime: difference of \'select value from v$sysstat where name=\'CPU used by this session\'\' between sample end and start

deltaCommits: difference of \'select value from v$sysstat where name=\'user commits\'\' between sample end and start

deltaRollbacks: difference of \'select value from v$sysstat where name=\'user rollbacks\'\' between sample end and start

[Edited by uday on 04-03-2001 at 02:37 PM]