
I have few updations to do daily morning. I get a list of account numbers which needs to be deleted from the database. Currently deletion takes a very long time sometimes as long as 4-5 hours. The number of accounts to be deleted from the production database is around 1/2 Million
The steps I follow is
1) I load the data from the text file into a temp table (using sqlloader).

2) set the rollback segment to a bigger segment.

3) delete from main_account where
del_row in (select del_row from temp_table)

I would like to know , in the step 3, instead of using sub query, Could I use the Joins
delete from main_account a , temp_table b
where a.acc_num = b.acc_num.

. Will there be any improvement.
(Theoritically, which is better, subquery or joins?& why)
