
I am working on an application that allows a user to create a KPI formula, and the app dynamically creates a view for this formula.
However as we started using it we have found that we are encountering the ORA-10476 (divisor is equal to zero) often.
I have read about options of using decode or case to prevent this but it doesn't cover all our options.
As a result of the fact that the user can create any equation he wants , and it can be as complicated as they want (
2 examples:
A/(B/C-D/E) - If C or E or (B/C-D/E) are 0 the whole select will fall
A/(B-C/(D-F)) - if (D-F) or ((B-C/(D-F)) is 0 then again the select will fall.

I have seen that in MS SQL they have an option of arithabort which allows the database to return the rows that don't fall under the "divisor by 0".

Does anyone have an idea of how to solve this?
either by setting something similar to arithabort, or maybe someone has a procedure to check an equation and return the arithmetical steps in order that athey are performed?
