Here is my problem. I need to insert a row into a table called form for each row in a table called patient. there are 86 thousand rows in the patient table. So I figured instead of 86 thousand insert statements, write 1 that does a loop. I figured I needed to set a cursor that holds the value from the patient table I need. here is what I have come up with so far:
create or replace procedure RESEARCH
cursor p1 is
select "Patient" from PATIENT where "Patient" NOT IN ( select a."Patient" from PATIENT A, PFORM B where a."Patient"=b."Patient");
for PFORM in p1
INSERT into PFORM values (p.p1, 'RESRCH', trunc(sysdate), '20240', PFORM_PFORM_SEQ.nextVal, 'Research Consent & Info', '0',p.p1, trunc(sysdate), '1', '20240', trunc(sysdate), '0','0','', ' ', ' ', '0', ' ');
end loop;

but when I go to create the package It fails because it doesn't like the p1 in the cursor line.