I have an Old VB6 Applications that uses Cursors in a process without problem on versions below to 11g on Oracle.
the thing is that the new security features for cursors added on Oracle 11 R1 is affecting me. My application only creates a cursor from VB that only update a table and is done using a PLSQL builder, using the same cursor Once it is created we start to bind the info on that cursor...

package_sql is an Oracle package that only do this: dbms_sql.bind_array(hCursor, sName, aValues);

Here is a code Example of my application:
m_AddOraParam "SQL", ORATYPE_VARCHAR2, "update TABLE set " & sSetFields & " where ID = :ID and " & sFilter
Set p = m_AddOraParam("hc", ORATYPE_SINT, 0, ORAPARM_OUTPUT)

Set PLSQL = New PLSQLBuilder
PLSQL.AddLine "begin"
PLSQL.AddLine " :hc := dbms_sql.open_cursor;"
PLSQL.AddLine " begin"
PLSQL.AddLine " dbms_sql.parse(:hc, :SQL, dbms_sql.NATIVE);"
PLSQL.AddLine " exception"
PLSQL.AddLine " when others then"
PLSQL.AddLine " dbms_sql.close_cursor(:hc);"
PLSQL.AddLine " raise;"
PLSQL.AddLine " end;"
PLSQL.AddLine "end;"

m_ndbPrp.ExecuteSQL PLSQL.Text
m_hcPRDUpdate = p.Value

m_OraParams.Remove "SQL"
m_OraParams.Remove "hc"
End If
m_AddOraParam "hc", ORATYPE_SINT, m_hcPRDUpdate, ORAPARM_INPUT
Set p = m_AddOraParam("RecCount", ORATYPE_SINT, 0, ORAPARM_OUTPUT)

If m_cmdPRDUpdate Is Nothing Then
Set PLSQL = New PLSQLBuilder
PLSQL.AddLine "begin"
PLSQL.AddLine " package_sql.BindNumberArray(:hc, ':ID', :ID);"
PLSQL.AddLine " package_sql.BindDateArray(:hc, ':Period', :Period);"
PLSQL.AddLine " package_sql.BindNumberArray(:hc, ':Hours', :Hours);"
PLSQL.AddLine " :RecCount := dbms_sql.execute(:hc);"
PLSQL.AddLine "end;"

Set m_cmdPRDUpdate = m_CreateOraCmd(PLSQL.Text)'->> ERROR ORA-29470
m_ExecOraCmd m_cmdPRDUpdate
End If


What I'm trying to find out is if someone else know how to relax those security things, or how to workaround it... change the way how my application work imply a lot of things.. that's why I'm looking for another exit the solution