
The system is a Logical Standby Dataguard.

With the following query it is possible to see that there are gaps:

SQL> set numformat 99999999999
SQL> set linesize 2000
SQL> set pagesize 20000
SQL> select thread# trd, sequence#,
2 first_change#, next_change#,
3 dict_begin beg, dict_end end,
4 to_char(timestamp, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') timestamp,
5 (case when l.next_change# < p.read_scn then 'YES'
6 when l.first_change# < p.applied_scn then 'CURRENT'
7 else 'NO' end) applied
8 from dba_logstdby_log l, dba_logstdby_progress p
9 order by thread#, first_change#;

1 614 18542918309 18542918429 NO NO 04-DEC-2009 09:31:11 YES
1 633 18543602669 18543836687 NO NO 04-DEC-2009 09:31:10 YES
1 637 18543836687 18544028244 NO NO 04-DEC-2009 09:31:10 YES
1 12832 203846572934 203846572944 NO NO 22-DEC-2009 09:31:10 YES

Although all of them are APPLIED, and it is still receiving and applying the redo, it seems like there are some gaps.

How can I check that the Standby is totally synchronized? How can I check if the Standby has still those archive logs that haven't been applied?

Thanks in advance.