
I have to move database from one server to another, I used rman backup/restore and apply log first. Later, I found out there are a lot of tables are no logging. So apply log result database have corrupted blockes.

So I have to use incremental level 0 backup and incremental level 1 backup.

But I have some problem to do that.

1. if I start restore after incremental level 1 backup completed. restore/recover is fine.

2. In my case, restore takes too long for production to shutdown. I need to restore before incremental backup started.

During restore, datafile is renamed (from data file to ASM file).

So after I completed restore of level 0 backup, control file can not recognize newly created incremental backup (this backup is created after control file restored on target server). So I did catalog to catalog this backup piece and archivelog piece after incremental backup. After that, I start recover database. It apply incrememtal backup. then ask for archivelog. but archive log sequence is after level 0 backup, not after incremental level 1 backup .

3. So I will do another testing to see if I can shutdown database before incremental backup (do a cold incremental backup), this way after apply incremental backup, without apply log, I should be able to open database resetlogs without apply logs. I don't/can't apply logs any way because database data corruption problem.

Any one have any idea what should I do to apply incrememtal backup after restored level 0 backup?

Keep in mind, oracle 9i did not allow catalog backup piece.

Thank in advance.
