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Thread: Plsql help..

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Plsql help..

    Hi all,

    I need some help from you experts on this stored procedure..

    There are 4-5 batch procedures that will call this stored procedure. The batch will call the stored procedure with 'I' parameter in the beginning of the batch process. The batch will call the stored procedure with 'O' parameter at the end of the batch process. The stored procedure should write the details into the auditing table.

    Example record in acfg table:
    ID	Mand	Bcode	Skey	I_O	Tname	Cname					Func	 Group_col1	   WhereSQL		  Message
    1	M1	P1	1	O	Table1	COUNTRY					COUNT	   COUNTRY					%1 entries found for  %2
    2	M1	P1	2	O	Table1	FIRSTNAME			   COUNT							   %1 total lines
    3	M1	P2	1	I	Table1	FIRSTNAME			COUNT								%1 lines found
    The logic of the stored procedure for the example is:

    *1*. If acfg.v_yn is 'Y'

    Read the record in acfg table using mand=pi_mand and bcode = pi_bcode order by skey;

    *a*. if I_O parameter is 'I' then:

    Fetch the records from step 1).
    Generate a dynamic SQL like select func(cname) from tname where mand= pi_mand; /* sql should also include acfg.wheresql in the
    where clause, sql should also include acfg.group_col1,acfg.group_col2, acfg.group_col3 if there are any values. */

    Executing this above sql calculates count(firstname) from table1 where mand='M1';

    Fetch the output of the above query and using the acfg.message field for that row '%1 lines found' insert/update this message into auditing.message as '32 lines

    Assign skey for the auditing table, based on the auditing.ccode.

    *b*. if I_O parameter is 'O' then:

    Fetch the records from step 1).
    Generate a dynamic SQL like select func(cname) from tname where mand= pi_mand and auditing.pid=pi_pid group by group_col1; /* pi_pid is the argument passed in
    the SP. sql should also include acfg.wheresql in the where clause, sql should also include acfg.group_col2, acfg.group_col3 if there are any values. */

    Executing this above sql calculates count(country) from table1 where mand='M1' and auditing.pid=12345 group by country;

    Fetch the output of the above query and using the acfg.message field for that row '%1 entries found for %2' insert/update this message into auditing.message as
    '20 entries found for Germany' '10 entries found for USA' '2 entries found for Denmark' /* can be more than 1 record */

    Assign skey for the auditing table, based on the auditing.ccode for these 3 records.

    The resulting record in the auditing table will look like:

    ID	Cdate						   Ccode 		 Pid	Mand	Skey	Message
    1	01.04.2009 08:30:00			 P1		 12345	M1	1	20 entries found for Germany
    2	01.04.2009 08:30:01			 P1		 12345	M1	2	10 entries found for USA
    3	01.04.2009 08:30:02			 P1		 12345	M1	3	2  entries found for Denmark
    4	01.04.2009 08:30:03			 P1		  12345	M1	4	32 total lines
    5	01.04.2009 08:31:00			 P2		 12346	M1	1	32 lines found

    I would appreciate any kind of help with this... Please help me.. Thanks a lot

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    I've created this below procedure... But, struggling on writing the message field..

    create table auditing (
    	id number(5) not null,
    	cdate date,
    	ccode varchar2(10),
    	cterm varchar2(255),
    	pid number(20),
    	mand varchar2(10),
    	skey number(10),
    	message varchar2(2000),
    	source varchar2(255),
    	source_YN varchar2(1)
    create table acfg (
    	id number(10) not null,
    	v_YN varchar2(1),
    	mand varchar2(10),
    	bcode varchar2(10),
    	skey number(10),
    	i_o varchar2(3),
    	tname varchar2(255),
    	cname varchar2(255),
    	func varchar2(64),
    	group_col1 varchar2(255),
    	group_col2 varchar2(255),
    	group_col3 varchar2(255),
    	message_id number(10),
    	wheresql varchar2(2000),
    	message varchar2(2000)
    insert into acfg (id,mand,bcode,skey,i_o,tname,cname,func,group_col1,message)
    values (1,'M1','P1',1,'o','table1','country','count','country','%1 entries found for %2');
    insert into acfg (id,mand,bcode,skey,i_o,tname,cname,func,message)
    values (2,'M1','P1',2,'o','table1','firstname','count','%1 total lines');
    insert into acfg (id,mand,bcode,skey,i_o,tname,cname,func,message)
    values (3,'M1','P2',1,'i','table1','firstname','count','%1 lines found');
    insert into acfg (id,mand,bcode,skey,i_o,tname,cname,func,message)
    values (4,'M1','P2',2,'o','table2','firstandlastname','count','%1 lines written');
    	 MinVALUE 1
    		MAXVALUE 999999999999999999999999999
    	   START WITH 1
    		inCREMENT BY 1
    		CACHE 20;
    	  Create OR Replace Procedure auditingsp( pi_pid	IN Number
    									  , pi_mand   IN Varchar2
    									  , pi_bcode  IN Varchar2
    									  , pi_opp	IN Number
    									  , pi_I_O	IN Varchar2
    									  , pi_Source IN Varchar2 )
       Cursor aud_cur( pi_mand IN Varchar2
    			   , pi_I_O  IN Varchar2
    			   , pi_bcode  IN Number ) Is
    	  SELECT v_yn
    		   , message 
    		FROM acfg
    	   WHERE mand = pi_mand
    		 AND (pi_I_O = 'I')
    		  OR (pi_I_O = 'O' AND bcode=pi_bcode);
       Type acfg_tab Is Table Of aud_cur%Rowtype;
       acfg_array acfg_tab;
       Open aud_cur( pi_mand
    			 , pi_I_O
    			 , pi_bcode);
    	  Fetch aud_cur Bulk Collect
    		 INTO acfg_array Limit 1000;
    	  Exit When aud_cur%Notfound;
    	  For i IN acfg_array.First .. acfg_array.Last Loop
    		 If upper(acfg_array(i).v_yn) = 'Y' and pi_I_O = 'I' THEN		
    			INSERT INTO auditing
    			   ( ID
    			   , cdate
    			   , ccode
    			   , pid
    			   , mand
    		   , skey
    			   , Source
    			   , message )
    			   ( audseq.Nextval
    			   , Sysdate
    			   , pi_bcode
    			   , pi_pid
    			   , pi_mand
    		   , ??????			 /* skey needs to be assigned based on the auditing.ccode */
    			   , pi_Source
    			   , ??????			 /* this should be step a) from my previous reply,Build a dynamic SQL like select 
    func(cname) from tname where mand= pi_mand; /* sql should also include acfg.wheresql in the where clause, sql should also 
    include acfg.group_col1,acfg.group_col2, acfg.group_col3 if there are any values. Execute the sql and using the 
    acfg.message for that row, insert into auditing.message field */ 
    		 Elsif upper(acfg_array(i).v_yn) = 'Y' and pi_I_O = 'O' THEN
    		 INSERT INTO auditing
    			   ( ID
    			   , cdate
    			   , ccode
    			   , pid
    			   , mand
    		   , skey
    			   , Source
    			   , message )
    			   ( audseq.Nextval
    			   , Sysdate
    			   , pi_bcode
    			   , pi_pid
    			   , pi_mand
    		   , ??????			 /* skey needs to be assigned based on the auditing.ccode */
    			   , pi_Source
    			   , ??????			 /* this should be step b) from my previous reply,build a dynamic SQL like select 
    func(cname) from tname where mand= pi_mand and auditing.pid= pi_pid group by group_col1;  pi_pid is the argument passed in 
    the SP. sql should also include acfg.wheresql in the where clause, sql should also include acfg.group_col2, acfg.group_col3
     if there are any values.Execute the sql and using the acfg.message for that row, insert into auditing.message field  */
    		 Elsif upper(acfg_array(i).v_yn) = 'N' THEN
    			 dbms_output.put_line('Data is ignored');
    		 End If;
    	  End Loop;
       End Loop;
       Close aud_cur;
       When Others Then
    End auditingsp;
    I would appreciate any kind of help.. Please give me your thoughts.

    Thank you very much

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Ft. Lauderdale, FL
    so... are you asking for somebody to do your job?

    I'll gladly address specific questions, what do you have so far?
    Pablo (Paul) Berzukov

    Author of Understanding Database Administration available at amazon and other bookstores.

    Disclaimer: Advice is provided to the best of my knowledge but no implicit or explicit warranties are provided. Since the advisor explicitly encourages testing any and all suggestions on a test non-production environment advisor should not held liable or responsible for any actions taken based on the given advice.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Lake Worth, FL

    Thumbs down Student or what?

    It seems you are either 1) a student with a big homework assignment (or project) or 2) you have deceived your employer into thinking you know PL/SQL but really have no clue.

    If the case is "1) a student", then in order to learn something, you should actually try to do the work yourself and request assistance when you really need it.

    If the case is "2) a deceiver", then you should resign out of moral/ethical (and maybe legal) grounds.
    "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it." --Chinese Proverb

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    I've been trying to post this procedure, that I've tried but for some reason it is not getting added to my post...

    I just need help in writing the message into the auditing table..

    Create OR Replace Procedure auditingsp( pi_pid    IN Number
                                          , pi_mand   IN Varchar2
                                          , pi_bcode  IN Varchar2
                                          , pi_opp    IN Number
                                          , pi_I_O    IN Varchar2
                                          , pi_Source IN Varchar2 )
       Cursor aud_cur( pi_mand IN Varchar2
                   , pi_I_O  IN Varchar2
                   , pi_bcode  IN Number ) Is
          SELECT v_yn
               , message 
            FROM acfg
           WHERE mand = pi_mand
             AND (pi_I_O = 'I')
              OR (pi_I_O = 'O' AND bcode=pi_bcode);
       Type acfg_tab Is Table Of aud_cur%Rowtype;
       acfg_array acfg_tab;
       Open aud_cur( pi_mand
                 , pi_I_O
                 , pi_bcode);
          Fetch aud_cur Bulk Collect
             INTO acfg_array Limit 1000;
          Exit When aud_cur%Notfound;
          For i IN acfg_array.First .. acfg_array.Last Loop
             If upper(acfg_array(i).v_yn) = 'Y' and pi_I_O = 'I' THEN		
                INSERT INTO auditing
                   ( ID
                   , cdate
                   , ccode
                   , pid
                   , mand
    	       , skey
                   , Source
                   , message )
                   ( audseq.Nextval
                   , Sysdate
                   , pi_bcode
                   , pi_pid
                   , pi_mand
    	       , ??????             /* skey needs to be assigned based on the auditing.ccode */
                   , pi_Source
                   , ??????             /* this should be step a) from my previous reply,Build a dynamic SQL like select 
    func(cname) from tname where mand= pi_mand; /* sql should also include acfg.wheresql in the where clause, sql should also 
    include acfg.group_col1,acfg.group_col2, acfg.group_col3 if there are any values. Execute the sql and using the 
    acfg.message for that row, insert into auditing.message field */ 
             Elsif upper(acfg_array(i).v_yn) = 'Y' and pi_I_O = 'O' THEN
    		 INSERT INTO auditing
                   ( ID
                   , cdate
                   , ccode
                   , pid
                   , mand
    	       , skey
                   , Source
                   , message )
                   ( audseq.Nextval
                   , Sysdate
                   , pi_bcode
                   , pi_pid
                   , pi_mand
    	       , ??????             /* skey needs to be assigned based on the auditing.ccode */
                   , pi_Source
                   , ??????             /* this should be step b) from my previous reply,build a dynamic SQL like select 
    func(cname) from tname where mand= pi_mand and auditing.pid= pi_pid group by group_col1;  pi_pid is the argument passed in 
    the SP. sql should also include acfg.wheresql in the where clause, sql should also include acfg.group_col2, acfg.group_col3
     if there are any values.Execute the sql and using the acfg.message for that row, insert into auditing.message field  */
             Elsif upper(acfg_array(i).v_yn) = 'N' THEN
    	         dbms_output.put_line('Data is ignored');
             End If;
          End Loop;
       End Loop;
       Close aud_cur;
       When Others Then
    End auditingsp;
    I would appreciate any kind of help.. Please give me your thoughts.

    Thank you very much

    Edited by: newbiegal on Jul 8, 2009 6:33 AM

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Pittsburgh, PA
    Take a look at this:


    Then buy and read PL/SQL best practices by Steven Feuerstein.

    Specific tips about your procedure: use implicit cursors when you want to read every record in a cursor or better yet learn about pl/sql collections, "or" clauses tend to be expensive, can you do without it, you have missing business logic that no one outside your company will know, you need to learn how to create and use packages, use functions to encapsulate business logic, and read up on exception handling.

    This is a terrible idea, removing this code would give you more information than leaving it in place.
       When Others Then
    But otherwise it probably won't blow up your database.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Pittsburgh, PA
    I don't quite get your logic, but here is a first draft of something that might be close to what you want. You will need to fill in the details and test.

    Create OR Replace Procedure auditingsp( 
           pi_bcode  IN Varchar2 )
       TYPE acfg_tab IS TABLE OF aud_cur%Rowtype;
       acfg_array acfg_tab;
       SELECT id, v_YN, mand, bcode, skey, i_o, 
              tname, cname, func, group_col1, 
              group_col2, group_col3, message_id, 
              wheresql, message     
         BULK COLLECT INTO acfg_array
         FROM acfg
        INNER JOIN table1
        WHERE mand = pi_mand
          AND pi_I_O IN ('I', 'O') 
          AND bcode=pi_bcode;
       FOR i IN acfg_array.FIRST..acfg_array.LAST
          IF upper(acfg_array(i).v_yn) = 'Y' and pi_I_O = 'I' 
    			   INSERT INTO auditing
    			        ( ID,             cdate,   ccode,    
                    pid,            mand, 
                    skey,           Source,  message )
    			        ( audseq.Nextval, SYSDATE, i.bcode, 
                    i.pid,          i.mand,  i.skey,
                    i.Source,       i.country )
             dbms_output.put_line('Data is ignored');
          END IF;
       END LOOP;
    END auditingsp;

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