Hi friends,
really appreciate if anyone could help me on below queries

SELECT nvl(sum(Prl.quantity),0) Quantity, msi.segment1 item
po_requisition_lines_ALL PRL,
mtl_system_items_b msi,
invfg_onhand_balances iob
msi.inventory_item_id = iob.inventory_item_id (+) and
msi.organization_id = iob.organization_id (+) and
msi.inventory_item_id = prl.item_id(+)
and msi.organization_id = prl.destination_organization_id(+)
and msi.segment1 like 'Z%'
group by msi.segment1
order by msi.segment1

i only need the output for item with sum(Prl.quantity) = 0
currently the output will list all the items even total > 0.