Hi all,


We have been trying to create a clone of a VLDB (3TB) using the RMAN duplicate cmd but been having problems. On TEST server we had a smaller disk allocation for our ASM diskgroup, hence in our duplicate script we added the skip tablespace clause so that the database would fit into the diskgroup. Below is the script we used:

connect target sys/***@***
connect auxiliary /
duplicate target database to bof2test
db_file_name_convert ('+DGGROUP/bof2v2','+TEST/bof2test')
skip tablespace HLMUR_2008_03_03, CAP_2008_03_10, OVR_2008_03_03, OVR_2008_03_10, HLMR_2008_03_03, PLATE_2008_03_10, PLATE_2008_03_03, HLMUR_2008_03_10, CAP_2008_03_03, HLMR_2008_03_10, HLM_2008_03_03, HLM_2008_03_10, PLATE_2008_03_17, HLM_2008_03_17, HLMUR_2008_03_17, OVR_2008_03_17, HLMR_2008_03_17, CAP_2008_03_17, CAP_2008_03_24, OVR_2008_03_24, PLATE_2008_03_24, HLMR_2008_03_24, HLMUR_2008_03_24, HLM_2008_03_24;
Now during the duplicate the test server diskgroup got exhausted. So we are able to allocate more diskspace and let the restore complete. I issued a recover database, this in hindsight was a mistake as i should have added the skip tablespace clause. Basically RMAN is complaining now of missing files (which were not in the orginal backup) e.g:

/oracle/product/10.2.0/dbs/UNNAMED00323 -> pertains to HLMUR_2008_03_17

These files pertain to those tablespaces in orginal skip clause. Now we are happy with losing all the data from the unamed files, i have tried offline drop which is fine but open resetlogs fails with the following error:

SQL> alter database open resetlogs;
alter database open resetlogs
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01196: file 1 is inconsistent due to a failed media recovery session
ORA-01110: data file 1: '+TEST/bof2test/datafile/system.325.649072473'
We just want to open the database with the current dataset. Can we do this?

Thanks in advance,