I encountered problem when publishing java stored proedure in oracle 8.1.6.
Here is the java program:
public class swapper {
public static void swap( int[] x,int[] y) {
int hold = x[0];
x[0] = y[0];
y[0] = hold;

Then I use loadjava utility:
C:>loadjava -user system/manager@orcl -v swapper.java
I checked the user_objects table about swapper.java,the status is valid.
Then i goto sqlplus system/manager to publish the java stored
procedure as following:
sql>create or replace procedure swap(x in out number,y in out number)
as language java
name 'swapper.swap(int[],int[])';
system give error msg:
warning:procedure created with compilation error
after that
I check the user_objects table about swap procedure,I found the status is invalid. When I try to call this java stored procedure in PL/SQL. The error msg is invalid procdure;
pls help me