Dear All,

O.S.: Sun Solaris 5.9
DBSize (Logical): 27GB
Export Dump Size (FULL=Y): 12GB

Export command:

exp username/password file='/pathname/filename.dmp' log='/pathname/filename.log' full=Y statistics=none compress=n buffer=10000000 feedback=100000

Now, export Backup takes 1 hour or maximum 1.5 hours to complete.

Import command:

imp username/password FILE='/pathname/filename.dmp' LOG='/pathname/imp_filename.log' FULL=y IGNORE=y COMMIT=y BUFFER=20000000 FEEDBACK=100000 statistics=none

Import takes more than 12 hours to complete.

Now, some of the parameters which might put some more light:

SGA size: 1GB
Buffer cache size: 500M
Shared Pool: 300M
Redo Log size: 5 groups (100M each)

Please advise, as to why does importing takes such a longtime ?

Datafiles/Redo Log Files and export Dump file are all placed on three different partitions.