I have index on level and for some reason it doesn't get pick up, I am trying to use the hint, can you help me to get the hint in so it can't pick up the index:

  select  SHAPE,   SHAPE.fid,SHAPE.numofpts,SHAPE.entity,SHAPE.points,SHAPE.rowid from  beam.shapefile , beam.F75 SHAPE where (( level = 5 )) and SHAPE.FID(+) = beam.shapefile.SHAPE
  Statement Id=0   Type=SELECT STATEMENT
  Cost=8715  TimeStamp=19-04-05::13::55:13
     Est. Rows: 244,014  Cost: 8,715
       (4)  HASH JOIN OUTER 
     Est. Rows: 244,014  Cost: 8,715
           (2)  TABLE ACCESS FULL beam.shapefile  [Analyzed] 
           (2)   Blocks: 36,439 Est. Rows: 244,014 of 976,054  Cost: 3,506 
                Tablespace: DATA_TS_01
           (3)  TABLE ACCESS FULL beam.F75  [Analyzed] 
           (3)   Blocks: 19,234 Est. Rows: 976,054 of 976,054  Cost: 1,851 
                Tablespace: DATA_TS_01