
I would like to run a script on a weekly basis that monitors table and index extents for various schemas on mutliplte databases. I am looking for a way to set the schema parameter, so I can call one sql script without having to specify the schemas multiple times. Below is the idea, but I don't know how to set a parameter for the schema name ("Alter session set current_schema=" won't work.).

This script calls query_tables2.sql

sqlplus /nolog

conn system@qhtotpd1

conn system@prsotpd1

This is query_tables2.sql

select a.owner, a.table_name,a.max_extents,b.extents,c.instance_name
from v$instance c,dba_tables a,dba_segments b where a.table_name=b.segment_name
and a.owner in ('%SCHEMA%');

select a.owner, a.index_name,a.max_extents,b.extents
from dba_indexes a,dba_segments b where a.index_name=b.segment_name
and a.owner in ('"SCHEMA"')

Obviously "set SCHEMA=" won't work, but I am hoping there is something like it.

Any ideas? Thank you for your help.