
I have read few documents and notes from forum, which says to improve TRUNCATE operation it is good to use 'REUSE STORAGE' option.

I would like to clarify the followings

1) If multiple tables are associated with one single tablespace, and if I truncate one table with reuse storage ---
a) Is it true that all the old blocks only be used
for new inserts in that table only?
b) Can other tables in that tablespace can use those
released blocks?
c) What about the HWM? Will that reduce?

2) If I have a single table associated with single tablespace
a) Reuse storage will not reduce the current HWM even
after truncating - is that true? for example if my the HWM
is set to 2GB now, and if I truncate table with Reuse
Storage will that help to reduce my HWM?
b) Will this option help to defragment my tablespace.
