I have this question and it's so confusing. Any way, we have this application and its characterset is UNICODE (UTF8). Beside this application, I have four application and they are not on UNICODE. On the client machine, in order get read and write the data to the UNICODE database, I have to change its NLS_LANG to UTF8 as well. The problem is when I changed NLS_LANG on the client to UTF8, other application doesn't work b/c according to Metalink "when I use UTF8 on the client characterset, I only limited to use only client programs that explicitly support this configuration".

Any way, my question is how can I handle NLS_LANG on the client for the database that running UTF8 characterset??? I was thinking to build the seperate NLS_LANG particular for UNICODE database by setting the NLS_LANG=utf8 and integrate that into the application code.

Any thoughts???