I have a dimela where my PL/SQL script does not return any rows. Please understand that I am not running this in SQL PLUS , so I cannot use DBMS_OUTPUT package and I cannot select into variables because I am actually migrating data to SQL SERVER from Oracle using DTS. Here is my script:

current_date Date;
TYPE rst_refcur IS REF CURSOR;
p_rec rst_refcur;
current_date := SYSDATE;
OPEN p_rec FOR
select a.wprptsta, a.wpitem, a.wpitmseg, a.mandisdv, a.conclass, a.wpwkmix, a.itsegman,
a.wpitemno, a.contydot, a.geodist,a.wpitstat, a.localnam, a.locatnfm, a.locatnto, a.isghstdt,
a.effdate, a.efftime, a.ffisyrcp, g.itmseg gis_itmseg from wpguser.wpgtbl80 a, wpguser.gis_wpgtbl80 g
where a.geodist = '04'and a.isghstdt = current_date
and a.wprptsta = g.wprptsta(+) and a.wpitem = g.wpitem(+) and a.wpitmseg =g.wpitmseg(+);

This gives me a No data returned error, which I can see why, but since I am crossing platforms from my source (Oracle) and my destination (SQLServer) through DTS, I don't see how I can define it.
Please help.Thanks. If anyone knows or has links on how to do this migration , please let me know.
