In the mannual following is written :

In Oracle 9.2 a number of the wait scenarios have had their async IO waits
reclassified under more meaningful wait events. The main situations using
"async disk IO" in 9.2 are:

* Asynchronous log reads

* Trace write waits

* LGWR waits for pending i/o's during database shutdown due to standby
database failure

* Archive log write waits when detaching rfs process.

Now I am facing ASYNC DISC I/O which 26% of total elapsed time. Now I want to know that out of this async disc i/o, what is the % of asynchronous log reads, what is the % of Trace write waits , what is the % of LGWR waits for pending i/o's during database shutdown due to standby database failure and what is the % of Archive log write waits when detaching rfs process . How I can find out this detail ?

I know that different async I/O waits are specific to different processes but How to find out different asnyc I/O waits ? Because I am getting only one wait related to this -Async DISK I/O. But I am not getting any other waits like "Asynchronous log reads" or "Trace write waits" . Are these waits existing or valid one ? Where from to check these ? Basically I want to break down the ASYNC DISC I/O statistic in above mentioned 4 categories. How to do that ?

For example is there any event like "Asynchronous log reads" ?
How to find out these different async I/O which are specific to different processes ?
How to find out the list of all waits/events ?

My database is Oracle 9i rel 2.
