Hi DBA's

I have installed oracle 9i personal edition on Win2000 server.
I am using VB 6.0 as front end and i have created a procedure in back end called prc_recevable_new.When i try to access the procedure from the front end, it says that "OBJECT COLLECTION: COULD NOT FIND ITEM INDICATED BY TEXT"
This error only when i use in oracle 9i. The same is working in 8i.

Proc_qry = "{call prc_recevable_new(?,?,?)}"
Set para_recevables = Con_abcd.CreateQuery("para_recevables", Proc_qry)
para_recevables(0) = Left(cmb_branch, 2)
para_recevables(1) = Format(DTP_ason, "dd-mmm-yyyy")
para_recevables(2) = "Y"

Please help.Thanx in Advance.