I'm running 8.1.6 on RedHat6.2 and have been trying to load a .csv file into an Oracle table.

The data in the flat-file is (first few rows):
1,Thyristor module,non-pcb,EUPEC / MONOBLOK,145,EA,662.00,95990.00
2,Diode module,non-pcb,USHA / SIEMENS,122,EA,430.00,52460.00
3,Combined module P-425,non-pcb,IR,140,EA,1211.00,169540.00
4,Combined module PBH308AC,non-pcb,,0,EA,1150.00,0.00

The table mat_npcb to be loaded is:
item_no not null number
descrp varchar2(40)
part_type varchar2(15)
make varchar2(25)
stk_qty number(5)
unit varchar2(10)
rate number(7,2)
stk_amnt number(10,2)

The SQL*Loader control file is:
load data
infile 'mat_aud1.csv'
into table mat_npcb
fields terminated by ',' optionally enclosed by '"'
trailing nullcols
(item_no integer external,
stk_qty integer external,
rate decimal (7,2),
stk_amnt decimal (10,2))

The errors in the log file are:
Record 1: Rejected - Error on table MAT_NPCB, column STK_AMNT
Invalid zoned decimal nibble.
Record 2: Rejected - Error on table MAT_NPCB, column STK_AMNT
Invalid zoned decimal nibble.
Record 3: Rejected - Error on table MAT_NPCB, column STK_AMNT
Invalid zoned decimal nibble.
Record 5: Rejected - Error on table MAT_NPCB, column STK_AMNT
Invalid zoned decimal nibble.

** All the errors messages pertain to stk_amnt and few records (ie: 4 and 8) which are not mentioned in the log or bad files have been omitted by SQL*Loader. No data was loaded into the mat_npcb table, een the records that were omitted from the log and bad files. The records that were omitted had stk_amnt = 0.00 **

How can I rectify this problem so that a decimal value like 95990.00 can be inserted into the table? Thanks.