It is the first time I used VB to set up a oracle-based application to mamage my Insurance Activities. I graduated from a economic university so that I don't have any experience on programming. Could you help me update a new record from Ado recordset into Oracle table. My problems occured due Date data type.

I can update normally most of fields except the Date-defined Fields. all of input values (ex: '12/2/2002') update or addnew into above date Fields becomed '00/00/0000'
My VB Code (in brief): That code run normally but outgoing values was mistake

Dim rs as new recordset "select * from table1", ODBC-based activedConnection, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
with rs
!custommername= " name1"
' the Birdday field have Date data type

***********on Ora SQLWorksheet*****************
alter session set NLS_date-format='dd/mm/yyyy';
Statement processed.

select * from table1

Custommername Birdday

name1 00-00-0000 (outgoing values)
Could you tell me What is my mistakes and how to resolve its
Thank your assistance