
Let us continue .....

I have defined TNS_ADMIN in Registry "e:\ora9i\network\admin" in oem9i home . But,Now I have deleted it.

I am sure that Oem9iAgent and Ora9iAgent both are not running.
Kindly go through the following file and suggest if any errors..

==============hontsit-test.hmwssb.com = (ORACLE_NODE, hontsit-test.hmwssb.com, hontsit-test.hmwssb.com, (PLATFORM=(osName=Windows NT)(osVersion=5.0)(oracleHomes=e:\owb, e:\ora9i, c:\ora8i, f:\oem9i)))

listener_hontsit-test.hmwssb.com = (ORACLE_LISTENER, hontsit-test.hmwssb.com, (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = hontsit-test)(PORT = 1521))), (PROP=(DBS=hmdw.world)))

hmdw.world = (ORACLE_DATABASE, hontsit-test.hmwssb.com, (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = hontsit-test)(PORT = 1521)) ) (CONNECT_DATA=(SID=HMDW)(SERVER=DEDICATED))), (PROP=(LSNRS=listener_hontsit-test.hmwssb.com)(ORACLE_HOME=e:\ora9i)(ORACLE_SID=HMDW)))