I hava a table with a clob column.I want to add data to this column with stored procedure.I tried this as follows.
create table try1(
a clob
create or replace package tryclob is
function tryclob(a_ in varchar2) return int;
end tryclob;
create or replace package body tryclob is
function tryclob(a_ in varchar2) return int
i int;
insert into try1 (a) values (a_);
return 0;
end tryclob;
then I use this fucntion to add data ,the result is
when I inserted data about 4000 Byte length,the result is right.
but when I inserted data too long like 8000 Byte or 80000 Byte,the result is wrong. It only inserted 3200 or 4200 Byte into the column.the string is be cutted.
How can I do
How can I do to inserted about 80000 BYTE or 800000 Byte into a clob column with the procedure?