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Thread: I tried other FAQs but still can't figure it out

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    I tried other FAQs but still can't figure it out

    I'm trying to make a very simple PL/SQL transaction w/up to 3 purchases in a single transaction in portal and I've hit a wall. If I uncomment the below illustrated code, I get errors:

    Line No. 44 : PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to '=' (WWV-17050 and

    ORA-24344: success with compilation error (WWV-11230)

    I've even tried ':=' where I have the >> instead... but it still doesn't work. Am I assigning wrong? Please help me out.

    emp_id IN NUMBER,
    cust_id IN NUMBER,
    tran_paymenttype IN VARCHAR2,
    inv_id_input1 IN NUMBER,
    inv_id_input2 IN NUMBER,
    inv_id_input3 IN NUMBER)

    temp_transseqnum number(6);
    temp_sysdate date;
    --item1 number (5, 2);
    --item2 number (5, 2);
    --item3 number (5, 2);

    --trans_total number (6, 2);

    select trans_id.nextval
    into temp_transseqnum
    from dual;

    select sysdate
    into temp_sysdate
    from dual;

    insert into transaction
    (tran_id, emp_id, cust_id, tran_datetime, TRANPAYMENTTYPE)
    (temp_transseqnum, emp_id, cust_id, temp_sysdate, tran_paymenttype);

    update inventory set inv_quantityinstock = inv_quantityinstock - 1
    where inv_id = inv_id_input1;

    update inventory set inv_quantityinstock = inv_quantityinstock - 1
    where inv_id = inv_id_input2;

    update inventory set inv_quantityinstock = inv_quantityinstock - 1
    where inv_id = inv_id_input3;

    --select cata_rentalprice
    --into item1
    --from catalog
    >> --where inv_id = inv_id_input1;

    --select cata_rentalprice
    --into item2
    --from catalog
    >> --where inv_id = inv_id_input2;

    --select cata_rentalprice
    --into item3
    --from catalog
    >> --where inv_id = inv_id_input3;

    --trans_total := item1 + item2 + item3;

    when others then
    htp.p('PROC_TRANS_INV: ' || sqlcode || ' ' || sqlerrm);htp.br;


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Madrid, Spain
    you not expecting us to count your lines till 44 huh

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