Hello all,
I tried to use distinct clause in POST_QUERY trigger at block level on a query. I am trying ot retrive only one value for a column which as same values for all records.
To retrive unique one vlaue I used DISTINCT cluase, it gives me error saying "Exact fetch returns more than one row".
select DISTINCT dept_payin_no INTO DEPT_PAY from post_treasury_copy
where to_date(payin_date,'DD-MON-YY') = to_date(payin_date,'DD-MON-YY');

How to fix this. This query works fine at SQL prompt and returns only one value for the the rows.

how do I retrive only one value by using sigle query stmt. I know I can use a cursor but still how can I get only one value from single query statement.

Please let me know ASAP.