-- Displays Cache Hit Ratios Per User
SELECT substr(a.username,1,10) "Username",a.osuser,
b.consistent_gets "Consistent Gets",
b.block_gets "DB Block Gets",
b.physical_reads "Physical Reads",
Round(100* (b.consistent_gets + b.block_gets - b.physical_reads) /
(b.consistent_gets + b.block_gets),2) "Hit Ratio %"
FROM v$session a,
v$sess_io b
WHERE a.sid = b.sid
AND (b.consistent_gets + b.block_gets) > 0
AND a.username IS NOT NULL;

Can anyone explain what is Consistent Gets and DB Block gets ? I tried looking around, but did not get precise information.. The script is supposed run twice at certain intervals to determine the result based on delta..

Thanks, ST2000