I am trying to get a count of rows back from the following query. When I run the query without the count I get 914 rows returned. But when I run the query using count(*) I get over 47,000 rows. Can you use DISTINCT and COUNT together in the same query.

SELECT DISTINCT s.struct_nbr, s.struct_name, i.insp_dt,
it.insp_type_desc, ab.approved_by_desc, ir.insp_rating_desc,
FROM struct s, insp i, ct_insp_type it, ct_approved_by ab,
ct_insp_rating ir, ct_struct_attr sa, insp_dtl id
WHERE s.struct_id = i.struct_id
AND it.insp_type_id = i.insp_type_id
AND i.approved_by_id = ab.approved_by_id
AND i.insp_rating_id = ir.insp_rating_id (+)
AND s.struct_attr_id = sa.struct_attr_id
AND i.insp_id = id.insp_id
