Dear All,

I have a live 8.1.7 server with 4 GB RAM , and with these SGA values
1) db_block_buffers = 102400
2) shared_pool_size = 943718400
3) log_buffer = 1048576
4) processes = 1000
5)log_checkpoint_interval = 10000

There are three Redo log group with 20 MB each. DBWR,LGWR, ARCHWR are all having default values.

When I am executing a query,
SELECT T.event,t.total_waits,t.time_waited,t.average_wait FROM v$system_event t WHERE t.event LIKE 'log file switch%'; , the results are

------- ----------------- -------------- -----------------
log file switch 16 0 0

log file switch 476 0 0

The results, even though its listing out the number of events, the TOTAL_WAITS & TIME_WAITED are showing zero. Is any action required for this case ?. If so what would be prefered one . Increase the size of redologs or increase the number of redo log groups ????.