I've got a script to run a cold backup in a failsafe environment. Is there anything else I need to consider as I intend to run this script this evening.

rem Move Group containing the database to node where
rem backup will run

REM Move the Group
c:\oracle\ofs\fs\fsmgr\bin\fscmd movegroup "Evolve Oracle Live" /node=SVR115 /cluster=CLU103 /logfile=c:\oracle\fsverify.log

REM Take the group offline
c:\oracle\ofs\fs\fsmgr\bin\fscmd offlineresource evolvliv /cluster=CLU103 /user=Cluster /pwd=PassWord1 /domain=domain name /OFFLINE=IMMEDIATE

copy /Y U:\ORACLE\ORADATA\evolvliv\SYSTEM01.DBF v:\backup\cold

copy /Y U:\ORACLE\ORADATA\evolvliv\CL_RBS01.DBF v:\backup\cold

copy /Y U:\ORACLE\ORADATA\evolvliv\CL_TMP01.DBF v:\backup\cold

copy /Y U:\ORACLE\ORADATA\evolvliv\CL_DAT01.DBF v:\backup\cold

copy /Y U:\ORACLE\ORADATA\evolvliv\CL_IND01.DBF v:\backup\cold

copy /Y U:\ORACLE\ORADATA\evolvliv\CONTROL1.CTL v:\backup\cold

copy /Y U:\ORACLE\ORADATA\CONTROL2.CTL v:\backup\cold

copy /Y U:\ORACLE\CONTROL3.CTL v:\backup\cold

copy /Y U:\ORACLE\ADMIN\evolvliv\PFILE\INITevolvliv.ORA v:\backup\cold


REM Place the resource back online.

c:\oracle\ofs\fs\fsmgr\bin\fscmd onlineresource evolvliv /cluster=CLU103 /user=Cluster /pwd=PassWord1 /domain= domain name


There's a batch file that calls this script. I also need to schedule it using NT AT scheduler. Do I need to schedule this on both nodes. What about the way fscmd command runs scripts, will there be time to take the database offline before copying the other files?

Any suggestions/comments will be welcome.
