We're having a problem with intermittent denial of logons due to a severely fragmented shared pool.
AIX 4.3.2
Oracle Standard Edition
A 3rd party application which submits hundreds of sql statements per minute, none of which use bind variables and all of which are unique statements, such as:

insert into mytable values(to_date('2002-02-02 14:31.15',YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI.SS'));

Obviously, other columns are inserted also, but the date literal is making every statement unique. Bind variables are not an option.

We run a check script every 10 minutes through cron to check the database. As part of the check, it attempts a logon. If it encounters an error, then the script emails us that the database is down. Periodically, the script cannot connect, due to the error which is the subject of this post.

I believe the error is due to bug Bug:1397603, which is a memory leak in the shared pool. However, I need a workaround until my upgrade, and I'm not totally convinced that is the problem anyway.

What I need is some way to measure the actual fragmentation of the shared pool, so I can flush the shared pool or at least be aware that intermittent connection failures could happen soon. I've looked at v$sgastat, but that seems essentially worthless for this purpose. I think the answer might be in x$ksmsp and/or x$ksmlru, but quite honestly I'm not sure exactly how to use them. I think this might help me:

select ksmchcls Class,
sum(decode(sign(ksmchsiz-4096),-1,1,0)) "count < 4k", sum(decode(sign(ksmchsiz-4096),-1,round(ksmchsiz/1024),0)) "total < 4k",
sum(decode(sign(ksmchsiz-10240)*sign(ksmchsiz-4096),-1,1,0)) "count 4k-10k",sum(decode(sign(ksmchsiz-10240)*sign(ksmchsiz-4096),-1,round(ksmchsiz/1024),0)) "total 4k-10k",
sum(decode(sign(ksmchsiz-10240),1,1,0)) "count > 10k", sum(decode(sign(ksmchsiz-10240),1,round(ksmchsiz/1024),0)) "total > 10k"
from x$ksmsp
group by ksmchcls

but I'm not sure since my problem is intermittent and whenever it has happened, the database has been bounced before I could get on it and investigate. We've kind of prioritized keeping the ability to connect higher than investigating this problem. I'm not sure I could connect to investigate anyway once the error occurs. I'm thinking about adding the above query or something similar to our check script.

Anyone have experience with this? What did/do you do?

