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Thread: Help newbie with VPD/FGAC code

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2001


    I have a database that I just implemented a simple FGAC where a current user only can see rows they own. What I'm looking for is a way that users can see all rows they have rights to in addition to the rows they own.

    My schema is as follows:
    ADAS_POC table - contains user_ID#, login, user_name
    Access_Restrict table - ID #, Access Identifier - 1) everyone 2) division 3) owner only
    ADAS_Library table - Table where data needs to be secured.

    If the row in the library contains a ‘1’ for the Access_Restrict column everyone would have access. If it contains a ‘2’ only the user that belongs to that specified division can view the data. If it contains a ‘3’ then owner only. What is the best way to set up my users to restrict their access? Should I create separate roles or simply add it to the POC table for each user?

    Does anyone have example of code for context_package and the security_package that would help with my coding? I’ve used a couple of examples on VPD and from Tom Kyte’s Oracle Expert one-on-one book. They helped somewhat.

    Thanks for the response,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2000

    We have implemented fgac in a different way bcos of our requirements.
    If I have understood your requirements properly:
    but as u say that the levels are hierarchical why dont you have a table that has the parent_level and use a hierarchical query and include the list in the dynamic where clause. say if a user has level 3 which is admin and its child_levels are 2,1 the where clause will be level in (3,2,1).

    If you have 9i, all these are provided by oracle's OLS and you dont have to worry abt anything.

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