I just can seem to get any procedure executed that uses refcursor for returning the records selected by a stored procedure..

It give the ERROR - wrong number or type of arguments in call to this procedure.....

here is the spec of the package and the body and the code i am using in VB to call this procedure...

Create or replace package FileFormRTTP IS
Procedure SP_FileFormRTTP(
intCLUID IN Number,
intTUID IN Number,
intRTUID IN Number,
cur_TP IN OUT cur_TP_Type);

Create or replace package body FileFormRTTP AS
Procedure SP_FileFormRTTP(
intCLUID IN Number,
intTUID IN Number,
intRTUID IN Number,
cur_TP IN OUT cur_TP_Type) IS

the query that i am running is something like

Open cur_TP FOR
SELECT Distinct a.RTTPUID, b.TP From Form_Index a, Index_TP b Where
a.TUID = intTUID And a.RTUID = intRTUID And
a.CLUID = intCLUID And a.CLUID = b.CLUID And

vb code to call the above procedure

With cmdRT
.CommandText = "FileFormRTTP.SP_FileFormRTTP"
.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
.ActiveConnection = connCmd

Set paramCLUID = .CreateParameter("CLUID", adInteger, adParamInput)
Set paramTUID = .CreateParameter("TUID", adInteger, adParamInput)
Set paramRTUID = .CreateParameter("RTUID", adInteger, adParamInput)

paramCLUID.Value = CLUID
paramTUID.Value = TUID
paramRTUID.Value = RTUID

.Parameters.Append paramCLUID
.Parameters.Append paramTUID
.Parameters.Append paramRTUID

Set rsRT = .Execute

Please advise why am i getting the error - wrong number or type of arguments in call to procedure.

thanks very very much