I am getting ORA-02291 (integrity constraint on the foriegn key, parent key does not exist) error when running the following MERGE statement from within a PL/SQL Block within a script. I am converting an extensive amount of data from an 8i database to a new datamodel on a 9i database. The error is bogus. The parent key does exist. I've already inserted into the table in question using the same foriegn key. But when I do it with the merge it fails. cPropLst is a cursor.

MERGE INTO Properties.PropListPaidFor pl
USING ( SELECT a.PropertyID PropertyID, tma.IsUtility IsUtility, SUM(tma.Provided) Provided
FROM apartments.Amenities@ag a, Properties.tmp_MapAmenities tma
WHERE a.PropertyID = cPropLst.PropertyID AND
a.Available = 'Y' AND
tma.OldAmenityNumber = a.AmenityNumber AND
tma.IsUtility <> 0 AND
OldAmenityNumber < 32
GROUP BY a.PropertyID, tma.IsUtility ) s
ON ( pl.PropertyID = s.PropertyID AND pl.ListingID = cPropLst.ListingID AND pl.UtilityTypeID = s.IsUtility )
WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET pl.IsSubsidized = (pl.IsSubsidized + s.Provided)
WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT ( pl.PropertyID, pl.ListingID, pl.UtilityTypeID, pl.IsSubsidized )
VALUES ( cPropLst.PropertyID, cPropLst.ListingID, s.IsUtility, s.Provided );

I tried commiting all changes before executing this code, added the cursor identifiers (pl) to the INSERT and a few other things to no avail. I don't know what the source of this error is. If I try to execute it manually, replacing the variables with values, it works fine.

Can anyone help?