Hi all!

I am getting following error while taking backup through rman catalog. My script backup the datafiles -> switch to current log -> take backup of the archives and then delete the archives. It backed up all the datafiles but not the archives and failed to partially resync with catalog.

Extract @ debug mode:

krmqgns: looking for work for channel t6
krmqgns: commands remaining to be executed:
krmqgns: no work found for channel t6

krmkomp: the following SET options are in effect:
1 JOBSET max corrupt=0 for datafile 1
2 JOBSET max corrupt=0 for datafile 2
3 JOBSET max corrupt=0 for datafile 3

EXEC SQL AT RCVCAT yProxy := dbms_rcvman . getAnyProxy ; :getCfBackup := dbms_rc
vman . getCfBackup ; :listCfCopy := dbms_rcvman . listCfCopy ; :listDfCopy := db
ms_rcvman . listDfCopy ; :listCfBackup := dbms_rcvman . listCfBackup ; :listDfBa
ckup := dbms_rcvman . listDfBackup ; :listAlBackup := dbms_rcvman . listAlBackup
; :listDfProxy := dbms_rcvman . listDfProxy ; :getRecovAction := dbms_rcvman .
getRecovAction ; :getAlBackup := dbms_rcvman . getAlBackup ; :listAlCopy := dbms
_rcvman . listAlCopy ; end ;
krmicomp: error 6004 signalled during compilation
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-03002: failure during compilation of command
RMAN-03013: command type: partial resync
RMAN-06004: ORACLE error from recovery catalog database: ORA-03113: end-of-file
on communication channel
RMAN-06097: text of failing SQL statement: begin dbms_rcvman . resetAll ; :succe
ss := dbms_rcvman . SUCCESS ; :av
RMAN-06099: error occurred in source file: krmk.pc, line: 9397

Recovery Manager complete.
krmxcd: xc=1076186168
krmxcd: xc=1076195376
krmxcd: xc=1076196352

Env: Oracle 8.1.7 ED 64 Bits, HP-UX 11.00

I appreciate your valuable suggestion.

