Hi there,
I recently downloaded the new beta version of Oracle Charts - a java based charting utility. I took one of the examples , compiled to bytecode (javac example1.java) and successfully produces example1.class

However when I try to run it with "java example1" I get

C:\workarea\java>java example1
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java/awt/RenderingHints
at oracle.ord.media.chart.Chart.(Chart.java:158)
at oracle.ord.media.chart.legend.Legend.(Legend.java:144)
at oracle.ord.media.chart.piechart.PieChart.(PieChart.java:257)
at example1.main(example1.java:39)

Classpath is set and includes the chartbuilder.jar as instructed.


From the error it looks like it cant fins the classes inside the .jar? Anyone got any ideas?
