When I do a analuze compute statistics Oracle gives me unable to extend temporary segment.

SQL> analyze table test compute statistics;
analyze table test compute statistics
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01652: unable to extend temp segment by 27309 in tablespace TEMPORARY_DATA

But when I see the statistics from enterprise manager it shows that the size of the tablespace is 102 MB and used is 0.002 MB. If it hasnt reached its maximum limit why is it giving me unable to extend error.

I also queried to confirm the results of enterpise manager. Below is the output of the query.

2 b.file_id "file#",
3 b.tablespace_name "Tablespace name",
4 b.bytes "#Bytes",
5 (b.bytes-sum(nvl(a.bytes,0)))"#used",
6 sum(nvl(a.bytes,0))"#free",
7 (sum(nvl(a.bytes,0))/(b.bytes))*100"%Free"
8 from sys.dba_free_space a,sys.dba_data_files b
9 where a.file_id(+)=b.file_id
10 group by b.tablespace_name ,b.file_id,b.bytes
11 order by b.tablespace_name;

file# Tablespace name #Bytes #used #free %Free
--------- ------------------------------ --------- --------- --------- ---------
7 REC_DATA 104857600 1036288 103821312 99.011719
3 ROLLBACK_DATA 10485760 4917248 5568512 53.105469
1 SYSTEM 62914560 60721152 2193408 3.4863281
6 TEMP 52428800 2048 52426752 99.996094
4 TEMPORARY_DATA 112197632 2048 112195584 99.998175
5 USERS 377657344 377647104 10240 .00271145
2 USER_DATA 3145728 1753088 1392640 44.270833

Please suggest.


[Edited by anuragmin on 05-30-2001 at 11:20 AM]